Activities of Daily Living (ADL)

ADLs include the various activities surrounding daily self-care tasks and functional mobility. These include dressing, feeding, grooming and toileting and incorporate fine and gross motor skills, along with cognitive and motor planning skills. These activities can also include the ability to perform smaller steps of these tasks including manipulating door knobs, accessing the bathroom, using phones and television remotes.

ADLs are an integral part of life, providing us with meaningful occupations and pride when we maintain our independence. Difficulties in this area may present has issues with dressing, showering or toileting independently.

Instrumental Activities of Daily Living (IADL)
These are activities relating to household or community activities. They often include shopping, cleaning, cooking, money management and driving. IADLs become more important as for adolescents and adults, with demands of caring for their families and partners increase. Similar to ADLs, independence with IADLs provide us with meaningful occupations and incorporate various skills (e.g. fine/gross motor, cognition) but at a higher complexity.

Difficulties in this area are more common for those who are over the age of 15 and who have a disability or who have experienced a stroke or brain injury. Difficulties in this area may also coincide with problems in other areas such as memory or planning difficulties.

These are activities that are performed during free time, for the purpose of enjoyment. Leisure activities are essential to ensure quality of life, respite and relief is maintained throughout our lives. Leisure is also linked to a positive mental health state. OTs assist in modifying the environment or the task requirements within your leisure activities, to ensure your participation and enjoyment of these activities is maintained.

Examples of leisure activities can include bowling, swimming or reading. Difficulties in this area may include not having appropriate access and support to participate in the activities due to unsupportive environmental factors.

Cognitive Perceptual Skills
This is the ability of the brain to perform tasks involving attention, concentration and memory. It can also include comprehending information, problem solving, depth perception and understanding concepts such as colours and shapes. This skill is present in all activities from self-care activities at home and accessing the community, to performing academically at school.

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